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Community members lined downtown streets for the San Angelo Rodeo Parade Saturday

The parade featured floats, trail riders, a variety of animals, antique cars and much more.
Credit: Marlen Trevino

SAN ANGELO, Texas — Downtown streets were filled with families and friends gathered to watch the 2021 San Angelo Rodeo Parade.

Parade participants included trail rides, antique vehicles, tractors, organizations and fire engines.

For one family, driving in the parade together was a meaningful experience.

Roger Glass drove his father's restored G John Deere tractor, while his son drove a 1010 John Deere tractor from the 1960s.

Glass says his father used the tractor when he began farming between 1954 and 1955.

Glass had hoped his dad, his son and he would one day drive in the parade together.

"I always dreamed of it. I did this parade about three or four years ago with my dad," Glass said. "He drove that one and I drove a different one, but now it’s me and him. I was hoping one day we can get to do them all three together, but he is gone now."

Glass hopes to have his grandfather's tractor restored and ready for the next rodeo parade.

Participants in the rodeo parade were not the only ones excited to be downtown Saturday. 

Alicia Theriot said she has lived in San Angelo for many years; however, Saturday was the first time she attended the parade. 

"One of our friends, they usually go and they invited us," she said. "We have kids and we thought they would enjoy it."

On Friday evening, the children were so excited to attend the parade and said, "‘We gotta go to the parade! We gotta go to the parade!" over and over," according to Theriot.

After the rodeo parade was finished street sweepers came through, and the crowds dispersed.

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