SAN ANGELO, Texas — National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is intended to remind the general public to safely dispose of any unused medications and keep them from falling into the wrong hands. Prescription drugs have a chance of becoming highly addictive especially when misused.
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, three medication classes most commonly misused are: opioids, central nervous system depressants and stimulants. Prescription misuse can lead to addiction, overdose and death.
“Over 70 percent of people 12 years and older are getting their prescription medications from relatives or friends. It’s just so important to look through those medicine cabinets and gather those old prescriptions so that way it’s not a temptation,” Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley CCP Director, Jennifer Flores, said.
The ADACCV provides professional treatment for those suffering a prescription drug addiction. Flores advises parents to keep medications locked and in places where others can’t easily have access to them.
“Just because a medication is a prescription doesn't necessarily mean it will be safe, it’s also important not to take any old medication that is left over because it can introduce antibiotic resistance,'' Texas Poison Panhandle Managing Director, Jeanie Jaramillo, said.
Antibiotic resistance happens when germs defeat the drugs that are used to get rid of them causing the medication to become inactive. Prescription drug abuse is an increasing problem among teens. Jaramillo advises parents to begin educating children in early adolescent years.
“When they are starting their adolescent years is when they start hearing about it, friends talking about it or encouraging one another to try someone else’s medications,” Jaramillo said.
For additional resources about prescription drug prevention visit
Prescription Take Back events:
The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center will host the Texas Panhandle Poison Center, Fall 2021 Abilene Medication Cleanout, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, Oct.23, at the TTUHSC campus, 1674 Pine St., Abilene
ADACCV Prescription Drug Take Back Event, from 10 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Oct. 30, at the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley Office, 3553 W. Houston Harte Expressway, San Angelo.