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Shannon's west tower expansion expected to create over 100 new jobs

Construction will continue throughout 2024. Shannon CEO Shane Plymell said the expansion will create more bed space for patients from around the Concho Valley.

SAN ANGELO, Texas — Construction crews have continued to progress through work on Shannon Medical Center's west tower expansion project. 

The project included a three floor parking garage and another four floors of hospital space. Shannon CEO Shane Plymell said the expansion would allow medical personnel to better serve the demand for care in the Concho Valley.

Plymell also said Shannon would be looking to hire new employees in multiple roles. 

(We're) recruiting additional physicians, additional advanced practice professionals, and with that also additional nursing and ancillary professionals," he said. "I would say with this expansion it will be well over one hundred new people for our organization." 

San Angelo Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Walt Koenig said he hopes Shannon will hire professionals from in and around San Angelo. He said institutions in town such as Angelo State University and Howard College have prepared students for positions like the ones that will be available when the expansion finishes.

Koenig also said the hospital system in the city is a big selling point for him and other chamber officials. 

"One of the key missions for the chamber of commerce is to ensure that our local businesses are thriving and that we're bringing top quality businesses from around the world here," he said. "And certainly having Shannon and these new projects helps us tell that great story." 

Hoar Construction is contracted to work on the facility. The project is expected to be finished by fall 2024, with most work having been completed by the summer.


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