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Love to Read, Share the Love of Reading event will be held Saturdays in April, May 1

There are books in 22 different categories for people to choose from, with no limit on books they can take.
Credit: Marlen Trevino

SAN ANGELO, Texas — The Love to Read and Share the Love of Reading event will be held every Saturday in April and the first Saturday in May from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Adult Literacy Council of the Concho Valley (ALCCV), 59 E. 6th St.

The ALCCV has not had its book sale because of COVID-19 in approximately two years. It has many books to share with people, according to its director, Marilynn Golightly.

The books will be in the parking lot or along the side of the building and there will be no limit to the number of books a person can take.

There are books in 22 categories, including children's books, mysteries, romance, history and many more.

Ron Landers has been a volunteer for approximately five or seven years and believes promoting reading is important. He also believes volunteers provide the service, as well as link with people that need it. 

Landers and his wife are local business owners and provide free books through the learning center, as well as at their business for their customers, 

"Instead of receiving tips for our services, all of the money donated by the community goes to a charity, and this is one of the charities we support," Landers said. "It gives the people who are giving a sense of jointness and helping together, a little donation can go a long way when it’s pooled with other resources to support a greater cause."

Landers says the books will benefit everybody; however, he is more partial to children benefitting the most. 

"I just literally put two books out, children’s books, and within 15 minutes a mother came up and said 'Oh, I’ve been looking for this very thing'," Landers said. "To know that that child at an early age will get an opportunity to not only have a reading experience but a fun reading experience. A bond between mother and son, mother and daughter that is going to last really forever, I really like that aspect more than anything."

Rosemary Kitchen has volunteered at the center for approximately 20 or 21 years and is delighted people are donating their old books to the center. " I am delighted that they have this place that they can bring them so, that we can go through them and see what we can salvage," she said.

Kitchen thinks anyone who doesn't like reading is losing out on so much pleasure and information. " I just want to encourage people to read as much as they can," she said.

The first event will be held Saturday, April; however, some people went to the center Friday to pick up books. 

The ALCCV has classes during the week and prefers people to attend the Saturday events. 

Attending the Saturday events allows volunteers to clean, organize and categorize the books.

"I am not turning anybody away that comes in every day," Golightly said.

For more information about the event visit, alccv.org or call 325-657-0013.

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